Thursday, July 12, 2012


I am writing this blog because of my previous views on homosexuality. Yes, that means my views have  changed from all of the previous posts on that issue. I've been reading my Bible lately and I just can't find where my opinion on it was accepted and quite frankly where some of the things I do are supported in the book. So I want to apologize to any of you who read this blog or my posts on Facebook/Twitter and said "see a preacher supports it, so it must be right" when in reality it isn't. Don't get it twisted I love ALL PEOPLE. I just think we must stop manipulating the Word of God to fit our lifestyles.

P.S. I will probably be deleting this whole blog in the coming days.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

2011 is almost over! and this is the only song that can come close to describing this year:

Happy New Year! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Break!

Middle Schoolers, High Schoolers, & College Students all have something in common right now, they are glad that finals are over and the winter break has arrived! I hope you had a wonderful first semester but have a better winter break. Celebrate it with family, friends, and fun! Be blessed.

"So I decided it was more important to enjoy life. The best that people can do here on earth is to eat, drink, and enjoy life, because these joys will help them do the hard work God gives them here on earth." (Ecclesiastes 8:15)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Watch this video clip! I had to think about it for a day and then it really hit me. What do you think?

Monday, November 14, 2011

A few quick notes

These are a few quick notes from my message on Jonah chapter 1 in Christians In Action

  • The reason we run from God is because he has a calling on our life and we think that his purpose for us isn't as good as our purpose for ourself (verses 1-3)
  • When something goes wrong in your life it is probably God trying to tell you that it is SOMEONE in your life is blocking you from your purpose not SOMETHING. (verses 4-5)
  • What should have killed you saved you! (verse 17)
  • Last but not least, Don't run from God. He has your best interests at hand! (verses Jonah 1:1-17)
Hope you enjoy! Have a blessed week.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A box-check Christian

I hate to question your Christian faith but I think it is important to do so. Many of us just check the Christian box on Facebook without really living like a Christian. No, I'm not talking about church attendance or singing in the choir but more about doing HARD THINGS. If you have never feed hungry people, or clothed naked people, or just stood up for justice then I would question your Christian faith. Jesus accepted people into heaven who did those things (Matthew 25:31-46). I would also question your Christian faith if people have to doubt your faith by your tweets, statuses, or the things you do in public. DOING HARD THINGS is what Jesus wanted us to do, not just attending church or saying you love him. Because honoring God with your life is what really loving him is about. So I say all of that to say, start doing hard things and stop just checking the christian box.

P.S. Romans 12 is a GREAT snippet on how to honor God with your life, I suggest you read it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Leaving Twitter & Facebook

Bishop Long, Pastor Shaun King, and other various preachers I have listened to have always talked about when there will come a time when you must leave your friends behind because both of you won't be on the same page. Well, that time has come for me. Me & some of my friends are not on the same page. Some of them are smoking, drinking, and doing other various stuff to that nature, while I'm trying to become a disciple of Jesus. Its not that they are my enemies is just that we are doing things that conflict with one another so I must depart from them. Jesus tells a man that he must leave his family, the ones who he cares most about, if he wants to follow him(Luke 9:57-62). I have made that same decision and understand the importance of leaving some people. So leaving Twitter and Facebook is the best way I know how. My accounts will still be up and in use just not in the way I usually use them. I will still tweet and post statuses about Christian In Action & Y- Club meetings, I just won't participate in the other stuff. You can still DM, tweet, and message me if you need me because I am here for all of you. Some of you guys reading this find yourself in the same predicament, needing to leave your friends behind because they just aren't the same. My advice, is to pray about and make the best decision for you. To my friends, I truly do love you and I will pray for you every day. One day you will find yourself the same way I am finding myself.

"I am a friend of God, he calls me friend" - Israel Houghton